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    Chinese Language


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    Total Votes: 4
    ELF Mary
    ELF Mary

    Number of posts : 270
    Age : 30
    Points : 5656
    Registration date : 2008-11-12

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by ELF Mary Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:35 pm

    1. Greetings:

    你好! (Nĭ hăo!) is a popular greeting. In English, it means “Hello”,
    “Hi”,“How are you?” and “good day!” etc. It may be used in the
    morning, in the afternoon or in the evening. The answer to it is also
    你好! (Nĭ hăo!)

    2. Adjectives as verbs:

    When adjectives form the predicate, that is, when they say what the subject
    is or is not, they function as verbs. That’s why an adjective is also known
    as a STATIVE VERB in Chinese. There is no additional word for ‘to be’. For

    他 忙。 Tā máng. He is busy.
    Subject predicate

    我们好。 Wŏmen hăo. We are fine.

    Note that the Chinese verb, be it a stative or an action verb, has no morphological
    changes whatsoever resulting from person, gender, number, time, etc.. Thus:

    我好。 Wŏ hăo. I am fine.
    你好。 Nĭ hăo. You are fine.
    他好。 Tā hăo. He is good.
    我们忙。 Wŏmen máng. We are busy.

    3. Negation:

    When you negate a Chinese sentence, you simply place the adverb before the predicative
    verb. For example:

    他 不 忙。 Tā bù máng. He is not busy.
    Subject adv. predicative verb
    我们不好。 Wŏmen bù hăo. We are not OK.

    Note that the tone of 不(bu), ‘not’ is fourth, except when the following word is in
    the fourth tone, when it change to the second tone.

    4. Stative verbs and the adverbs: 很,也,都,不:

    Adverbs such as 很,也,都,不 come immediately before the verb and can only be separated
    from it by another adverb.

    Tā hĕn hăo. Wŏmen yĕ dōu hĕn hăo.
    He is good. We are all very good, too.

    When there is an adjectival predicate in a simple affirmative sentence, the adverb 很is
    usually put before it. 很 in this case does not carry the meaning of degree “very”.
    For example:

    他们很忙。 Tāmen hĕn máng. They are busy.

    If 很 is absent, the sentence then implies an contrast:

    Tāmen hĕn máng, wŏ gēge bù máng.
    They are busy, but my older brother is not.

    Also, adverbs cannot be used as a modifier of a noun, thus an English sentence such as:
    “All of us are busy.” is expressed in Chinese as :

    他们都忙。 Tāmen dōu máng. They are ALL busy.

    Some more examples:

    哥哥,弟弟都好。 Gēge, dìdi dōu hăo. Both older and younger brothers are fine.

    我们都不忙。 Wŏmen dōu bù máng. None of us are busy.

    When two or more adverbs occur together, their order is governed by the rule that the
    modifier is applied directly before the expression to be modified. Thus a distinction
    should be noted about the position of the adverb 不 between BEFORE and AFTER other
    adverbs such as 都,很. Before the adverbs 都 and 很, it is a partial negation; and
    after those adverbs, it is a total negation. Compare the following examples:

    他们不都忙。 Tāmen bù dōu máng. Not all of them are busy.
    他们都不忙。 Tāmen dōu bù máng. None of them are busy.

    哥哥不很好。 Gēge bù hĕn hăo. The older brother is not very good.
    哥哥很不好。 Gēge hĕn bù hăo. The older brother is bad(very not good).

    5. Simple questions and answers:

    A simple question is formed by adding the interrogative particle 吗 to the end
    of a declarative sentence:

    你忙吗? Nĭ máng ma? Are you busy?
    他不好吗? Tá bù hăo ma? Isn’t he nice?

    The answer to a simple question can be full or short.

    我忙。(full) Wŏ máng. I’m busy. / 忙 (short) Máng. Busy.
    我不忙。 Wŏ bù mang. I’m not busy. / 不忙 Bù máng. Not busy.

    6. Particle 呢 and Follow-up questions

    Particle 呢 supplies the means of cutting a question down to a topic. It shows
    that the same question as that asked previously is to be raised about a new topic.
    It somewhat resembles English “And--?”, “ What about--?”. Following are some

    Nĭ hăo ma? Hăo, nĭ ne? Wŏ yĕ hĕn hăo.
    Are you OK? Yes. And you? I’m OK, too.

    你哥哥不忙。 你弟弟呢?
    Nĭ gēge bù máng. Nĭ dìdi ne?
    Your older brother is not busy. What about your younger brother?

    Pronunciation notes:

    1. Tone sandhi:

    When two third tones are spoken in succession, like Nĭ hăo, the first third
    tone becomes second tone. This tone change is known as sandhi in linguistics.
    Sandhi is practiced only when you try to pronounce it. If you want to write
    it down in Pinyin, the tone mark is not changed.

    Speech Patterns:

    1. Contrastive sentences with stative verbs:

    1. 哥哥好,弟弟不好。
    2. 你忙,他不忙。
    3. 哥哥忙,弟弟忙,我不忙。
    4. 你好,他们不好 。
    5. 我们忙,你们不忙。

    1. Gēge hăo, dìdi bù hăo.
    2. Nĭ máng, tā bù máng.
    3. Gēge máng, dìdi máng, wŏ bù máng.
    4. Nĭ hăo, tāmen bù hăo.
    5. Wŏmen máng, nĭmen bù máng.

    1. The older brother is good, but the younger brother is not.
    2. You are busy, but he is not.
    3. The older brother is busy, the younger brother is busy, but I am not.
    4. You are nice, but they are not.
    5. We are busy, but you are not.

    2. Stative verbs with adverbial modifier:

    1. 他哥哥很好。他也很好。
    2. 他不忙,我们也都不忙。
    3. 我们不都很忙,我忙,他不忙 。
    4. 哥哥,弟弟都好,他们也都很忙。
    5. 他们都不很忙,我们不都很忙。

    1. Tā gēge hĕn hăo. Tā yĕ hĕn hăo.
    2. Tā bù máng. Wŏmen yĕ dōu bù máng.
    3. Wŏmen bù dōu hĕn máng. Wŏ máng, tā bù máng.
    4. Gēge, dìdi dōu hăo, Tāmen yĕ dōu hĕn máng.
    5. Tāmen dōu bù hĕn máng. Wŏmen bù dōu hĕn máng.

    1. His older brother is nice, so is he.
    2. He is not busy. None of us is busy, either.
    3. Not all of us are busy. I’m busy, but he is not.
    4. Both older and younger brother are good. They are also very busy.
    5. All of them are not very busy. Not all of us are very busy.

    3. Questions and answers:

    1. 你们都好吗?我们都好。你呢?我也很好。
    2. 你哥哥忙吗?忙。我也很忙。你呢?我不很忙。
    3. 你们都不很忙吗?我不很忙,他很忙。
    4. 你弟弟不好,你哥哥呢?我哥哥很好。
    5. 他们都很好,你也很好吗?我也好,你呢?

    1. Nĭmen dōu hăo ma? Wŏmen dōu hăo. Nĭ ne? Wŏ yĕ hĕn hăo.
    2. Nĭ gēge máng ma? Máng. Wŏ yĕ hĕn máng. Nĭ ne? Wŏ bù hĕn máng.
    3. Nĭmen dōu bù hĕn máng ma? Wŏ bù hĕn máng. Tā hĕn máng.
    4. Nĭ dìdi bù hăo, ni gēge ne? Wŏ gēge hĕn hăo.
    5. Tāmen dōu hĕn hăo. Nĭ yĕ hĕn hăo ma? Wŏ yĕ hăo. Nĭ ne?

    1. Are both of you fine? We are both fine. And you? I’m also fine.
    2. Is your older brother busy? Yes. I’m busy, too. What about you? I am not.
    3. Are both of you not very busy? I’m not, but he is very busy.
    4. Your younger brother is not nice. What about your older brother? My older brother is very nice.
    5. All of them are very well. Are you also very well? I’m fine. And you?
    ELF Mary
    ELF Mary

    Number of posts : 270
    Age : 30
    Points : 5656
    Registration date : 2008-11-12

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by ELF Mary Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:12 pm

    so cool Chinese Language 410578

    Chinese Words /Pinyin / Part of Speech / Engl. Trans.
    哥哥 / gēge / n. / older brother
    弟弟 / dìdi / n. / younger brother
    我 / wǒ / pron. / I, me
    你 / nǐ / pron. / you
    他 / tā / pron. / he, him
    我们(我們) / wǒmen / pron. / we, us
    你们(你們) / nǐmen / pron. / you
    他们(他們) / tāmen / pron. / they, them
    吗 / ma / interrogative particle /
    呢 / ne / modal particle /
    不 / bù / adv. / not,
    很 / hěn / adv. / very
    也 / yě / adv. / also
    都 / dōu / adv. / both, all
    好 / hǎo / adj. / good
    忙 / máng / adj. / Busy
    谢谢(謝謝) / xièxie / set phrase / thanks, thank you

    Number of posts : 22
    Age : 33
    Location : The United States of America
    Points : 5628
    Registration date : 2008-11-28

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by hiromoran05 Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:18 am

    That's the strange part! I don't even know! I think it's because I grew up in Taiwan for about 3 years, and I could understand what they were saying to me quite easily... It's really strange, how I can watch any program in chinese (mandarin) and really get it. But for who knows what, I can't speak the language!! Thus, I have started my second year of chinese class in school.

    Number of posts : 893
    Age : 32
    Location : Bucharest, Romania
    Points : 5662
    Registration date : 2008-11-11

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by Anca Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:13 pm

    Hirotooranm wrote:I can speak a bit, and completely understand anything said in chinese
    awesome!!! x3 how much time did you learn this language to understand it? O.O

    Number of posts : 22
    Age : 33
    Location : The United States of America
    Points : 5628
    Registration date : 2008-11-28

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by hiromoran05 Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:55 am

    Totally agree! Writing and reading chinese is extremely hard....I can speak a bit, and completely understand anything said in chinese. I'm taking a Chinese Class right now, and everything you've listed above we just learned about in class. Its easy to speak words, but difficult to speak the language fluently.
    ELF Mary
    ELF Mary

    Number of posts : 270
    Age : 30
    Points : 5656
    Registration date : 2008-11-12

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by ELF Mary Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:19 pm

    ye but is cute ^^

    Number of posts : 893
    Age : 32
    Location : Bucharest, Romania
    Points : 5662
    Registration date : 2008-11-11

    Chinese Language Empty Re: Chinese Language

    Post by Anca Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:36 pm

    i prefer pin yin! Very Happy
    i think chinese language is quite easy but the writing is a killer!
    ELF Mary
    ELF Mary

    Number of posts : 270
    Age : 30
    Points : 5656
    Registration date : 2008-11-12

    Chinese Language Empty Chinese Language

    Post by ELF Mary Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:40 pm

    喂 (wèi)

    Have a good day
    過得快樂 (guò dé kuài lè)

    Good evening
    晚安 (wăn ān)

    打招呼 (dă zhāo hū)

    What is your name?
    您的名字是什麼? (nín de míng zì shì shén má ?)

    My name is ...
    我的姓名是 (wŏ de xìng míng shì)

    小姐 (xiăo jiĕ)

    太太 (tài tài)

    先生 (xiān shēng)

    Allow me to introduce myself
    允許我介紹我自己 (yŭn xŭ wŏ jiè shào wŏ zì jĭ)

    Nice to meet you!
    見到您很高興 (jiàn dào nín hĕn gāo xīng)

    What is your nationality?
    你是什麼的國籍? (nĭ shì shén má de guó jí ?)

    Where do you live?
    你住在哪裡? (nĭ zhù zài nă lĭ ?)

    I live ...
    我居住在 (wŏ jū zhù zài)

    Excuse me
    請原諒 (qĭng yuán liàng)

    Excuse me for bothering you
    煩擾你 (fán răo nĭ)

    I beg your pardon ...
    請重復 (qĭng zhòng fù)

    Thanks. You too.
    謝謝你 (xiè xiè nĭ)

    請 (qĭng)

    May I?
    我可以不可以 (wŏ kĕ yĭ bù kĕ yĭ)

    Sit down
    坐下 (zuò xià)

    It`s for you
    是你的 (shì nĭ de)

    How are you?
    你好嗎? (nĭ hăo ma ?)

    Are you well?
    你覺得怎樣? (nĭ jué dé zĕn yàng ?)

    How is it going?
    近況如何? (jìn kuàng rú hé ?)

    I am very well.
    好好 (hăo hăo)

    I`m fine.
    我好 (wŏ hăo)

    一般的 (yī bān de)

    Fairly well.
    大致上好 (dà zhì shàng hăo)

    Not too well.
    不好 (bù hăo)

    Good morning!
    早晨 (zăo chén)

    to greet
    迎接 (yíng jiē)

    高興地 (gāo xīng dì)

    With pleasure.
    高興 (gāo xīng)

    What (did you say)?
    你說什麼? (nĭ shuō shén má ?)

    正確麼? (zhèng què má ?)

    What do you want?
    你想要什麼? (nĭ xiăng yào shén má ?)

    Where are you from?
    你從那裡來? (nĭ cóng nèi lĭ lái ?)

    What a good surprise!
    好驚奇! (hăo jīng qí !)

    (Here`s) to your health!
    這對您的健康! (zhè duì nín de jiàn kāng !)

    I don`t know.
    我不知道 (wŏ bù zhī dào)

    me too
    我也是 (wŏ yĕ shì)

    me neither
    我不是 (wŏ bù shì)

    歡迎 (huān yíng)

    What`s his name?
    怎樣稱呼? (zĕn yàng chēng hū ?)

    His name is ...
    他的姓名是 (tā de xìng míng shì)

    What`s the matter?
    怎麼樣了? (zĕn má yàng le ?)

    How old are you?
    你多少歲了? (nĭ duō shăo suì le ?)

    On the contrary!
    相反地 (xiāng făn dì)

    I don`t care.
    我不管 (wŏ bù guăn)

    好!沒問題! (hăo ! méi wèn tí !)

    What`s new?
    要什麼消息? (yào shén má xiāo xī ?)

    沒問題麼? (méi wèn tí má ?)

    Why not?
    什麼? (shén má ?)

    You`re welcome.
    不必客氣 (bù bì kè qì)

    恶心的 (è xīn de)

    美味的 (mĕi wèi de)

    no kidding
    開玩笑 (kāi wán xiào)

    What do you need?
    你需要什麼? (nĭ xū yào shén má ?)

    Can you tell me ... ?
    可以不可以對我說? (kĕ yĭ bù kĕ yĭ duì wŏ shuō ?)

    it is necessary that ...
    。。。是必要的 (。 。 。 shì bì yào de)

    I would like ...
    我想。。。 (wŏ xiăng 。 。 。)

    Leave me alone!
    不要打擾我 (bù yào dă răo wŏ)

    Keep quiet!
    保持安靜 (băo chí ān jìng)

    in my opinion
    我的意見是。。 (wŏ de yì jiàn shì 。 。)

    Mind your own business!
    不是你的本分 (bù shì nĭ de bĕn fēn)

    You are welcome
    不必客氣 (bù bì kè qì)

    请幫忙! (qĭng bāng máng !)

    on the other hand
    在另一方面 (zài lìng yī fāng miàn)

    in any case
    不管怎樣 (bù guăn zĕn yàng)

    再見 (zài jiàn)

    What`s wrong?
    出了什麼問題嗎? (chū le shén má wèn tí ma ?)

    祝賀 (zhù hè)

    Santa Claus
    聖誕老人 (shèng dàn lăo rén)

    a song
    歌曲 (gē qŭ)

    an evening party
    派對 (pài duì)

    to sing
    唱 (chàng)

    to dance
    跳舞 (tiào wŭ)

    文學 (wén xué)

    a film
    軟片影片 (ruăn piàn yĭng piàn)

    a cinema
    電影院 (diàn yĭng yuàn)

    a movie
    電影 (diàn yĭng)

    an accordion
    手風琴 (shŏu fēng qín)

    a flute
    笛 (dí)

    a guitar
    吉他 (jí tā)

    a piano
    鋼琴 (gāng qín)

    a saxophone
    風管 (fēng guăn)

    音樂 (yīn lè)

    a park
    公園 (gōng yuán)

    a doll
    玩偶 (wán ŏu)

    a choir
    合唱隊 (hé chàng duì)

    a toy
    玩具 (wán jù)

    a zoo
    動物園 (dòng wù yuán)

    a disco
    舞廳 (wŭ tīng)

    a trombone
    伸縮喇叭 (shēn suō lă bā)

    a trumpet
    喇叭 (lă bā)

    a violin
    小提琴 (xiăo tí qín)

    華爾滋 (huá ĕr zī)

    a play
    劇本 (jù bĕn)

    a poem
    韻文 (yùn wén)

    a novel
    小說 (xiăo shuō)

    a detective story
    偵探的小說 (zhēn tàn de xiăo shuō)

    聖誕節 (shèng dàn jié)

    a theater
    劇場 (jù cháng)

    噪音 (zào yīn)

    a suitcase
    手提箱 (shŏu tí xiāng)

    a singer
    歌手 (gē shŏu)

    a cartoon
    卡通 (kă tōng)

    a TV program
    電視節目 (diàn shì jié mù)

    a statue
    雕像 (diāo xiàng)

    a tour
    漫遊 (màn yóu)

    戲劇的 (xì jù de)

    to tan
    鞭打 (biān dă)

    a whistle
    口哨 (kŏu shào)

    a bell
    鐘 (zhōng)

    to make noise
    制造噪音 (zhì zào zào yīn)

    to whisper
    耳語 (ĕr yŭ)

    a whisper

    耳語人 (ĕr yŭ rén)

    a cry
    哭 (kū)

    to ring
    戒子 (jiè zi)

    a sound
    音 (yīn)

    a voice
    聲音 (shēng yīn)

    詩 (shī)

    a remote control
    遙遠控制 (yáo yuăn kòng zhì)

    a paintbrush
    畫筆 (huà bĭ)

    a painting
    繪畫 (huì huà)

    to relax
    放鬆 (fàng sōng)

    a picnic
    野餐 (yĕ cān)

    a painter
    畫家 (huà jiā)

    a poet
    詩人 (shī rén)

    an author
    作家 (zuò jiā)

    heads or tails
    公或字 (gōng huò zì)

    a portrait
    肖像 (xiào xiàng)

    現實主義者的 (xiàn shí zhŭ yì zhĕ de)

    a circus
    馬戲 (mă xì)

    電影 (diàn yĭng)

    a snowball
    雪球 (xuĕ qiú)

    to joke
    笑話 (xiào huà)

    a role
    角色 (jiăo sè)

    釣魚 (diào yú)

    a teddybear
    玩具熊 (wán jù xióng)

    a horror film
    恐怖片 (kŏng bù piàn)

    a comedy
    喜劇 (xĭ jù)

    a clown
    小醜 (xiăo chŏu)

    母親 (mŭ qīn)

    父親 (fù qīn)

    a stepfather
    繼父 (jì fù)

    a father-in-law
    岳父 (yuè fù)

    step parents
    繼父母 (jì fù mŭ)

    a stepmother
    繼母 (jì mŭ)

    a mother-in-law
    岳母 (yuè mŭ)

    a sister-in-law
    夫或妻的姊妹 (fū huò qī de zĭ mèi)

    a cousin
    堂兄.弟.姊.妹 (táng xiōng . dì . zĭ . mèi)

    a child
    小孩子 (xiăo hái zi)

    a family
    家族 (jiā zú)

    the whole family
    全家 (quán jiā)

    a wife
    妻 (qī)

    a daughter
    女兒 (nǚ ér)

    a son
    兒子 (ér zi)

    a brother
    兄弟 (xiōng dì)

    a stepbrother
    異父[異母]兄弟 (yì fù [ yì mŭ ] xiōng dì)

    a grandmother
    祖母 (zŭ mŭ)

    a great grandmother
    曾祖母 (céng zŭ mŭ)

    a grandfather
    祖父 (zŭ fù)

    祖父母 (zŭ fù mŭ)

    a husband
    丈夫 (zhàng fū)

    a nephew
    甥侄 (shēng zhí)

    a niece
    侄女 (zhí nǚ)

    an uncle
    伯父 (bó fù)

    雙親 (shuāng qīn)

    親戚 (qīn qī)

    a granddaughter
    孫女 (sūn nǚ)

    a grandson
    孫子 (sūn zi)

    孫 (sūn)

    a sister
    姊妹 (zĭ mèi)

    an aunt
    姨媽 (yí mā)

    a boyfriend
    男朋友 (nán péng yŏu)

    a girlfriend
    女朋友 (nǚ péng yŏu)

    wedding anniversary
    結婚紀念日 (jié hūn jì niàn rì)

    a marriage
    結婚 (jié hūn)

    a wedding
    婚禮 (hūn lĭ)

    a wedding dress
    婚紗 (hūn shā)

    to marry (someone)
    與某人結婚 (yŭ mŏu rén jié hūn)

    to date (someone)
    與某人約會 (yŭ mŏu rén yuē huì)

    a couple
    配偶 (pèi ŏu)

    a twin
    雙胞胎 (shuāng bāo tāi)

    an ancestor
    祖先 (zŭ xiān)

    a descendant
    后代 (hòu dài)

    a member
    成員 (chéng yuán)

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